
In several articles, I’ve emphasized the importance of maintaining a consistently tidy home for an organized, inviting, harmonious, and refined living space.

Avoiding visual clutter is crucial not only for aesthetic appeal but also for higger well-being, both mentally and physically.

A tidy home reduces stress, enhances focus, improves sleep, and even improves self-esteem.

Some small habits and actions can assist us in keeping our homes perpetually neat. Let’s explore them together.


One of the reasons our homes (yes, I include myself!) are often in disarray is because we have TOO many things, and managing them all becomes overwhelming.

The more items we have, the easier it is for them to accumulate and create chaos, making us less motivated to tidy up: a vicious cycle!

Therefore, it’s essential to eliminate anything that is unnecessary and no longer serves a purpose.

I know it’s not easy, and, let’s admit it, often we don’t even know where to start, and it might take time, leading us to give up!

The trick is to do it in small doses: dedicate 10-15 minutes a day, or even per week if you prefer, and start with one room at a time, tackling drawers, closets, etc.

There might be items with sentimental value: set them aside, maybe create a box for them.

However, they must indeed hold meaning; otherwise, let them go.

Give away or sell the rest if it’s in good condition and usable, or merely throw it!

You’ll see that, as you gradually go through this process, your home will become increasingly tidy, and you might even enjoy it!

Once you finish, maintaining order will become easier.

You’ll also have made space for the new, but be cautious not to fill it up again.

Even when making new purchases, do it consciously: Do I really need it? Will I use it?

If it’s something decorative, ask yourself if it adds value, holds meaning, reflects who you are, or if it might eventually lose its charm.

(credits: El mueble; @oh.eight.oh.nine)


Everything should have its designated place and be conveniently and functionally accessible.

If items don’t have a dedicated space, they end up lying around, creating clutter.

Therefore, it’s crucial that everything has a designated spot for storage.

Be mindful in choosing these spaces; they should make sense and, as mentioned earlier, be convenient and easily accessible.

Otherwise, items will end up scattered once again!

You can find a million ideas on how to organize your home with various types of containers: many of them beautiful, and I’ve suggested some myself.

The thing is, they’re not for everyone.

What works for some may be inconvenient and not very functional for others!

No matter how aesthetically pleasing things are, if they’re not practical, you may tire of using them and revert to the chaos from before.

The trick, as always, lies in thinking not in micro-categories but macro. Let me explain with a practical example:

In the kitchen, for instance, instead of having a jar for each type of pasta in the pantry, you could use a basket or a larger container to organize the bags/packages.

While there will still be a variety of colors from different containers, they will be “confined” in one space, making it neater and easier for you to access them, especially when unpacking groceries.

The same principle applies to bathroom drawers/cabinets.

Group items by categories: soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, razors, etc., and then place them in separate containers.

You’ll immediately notice a difference in terms of order while maintaining practicality.

A small tip: try to find and use containers that are visually consistent in terms of material for a cohesive look.

I’d suggest investing a bit more time, especially for containers holding items like shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, as they are quite visible.

(credits: Ikea)


It might seem almost trivial, but making the bed every morning is genuinely vital for keeping the home consistently tidy!

Firstly, it serves a hygienic purpose: a well-made bed prevents dust and dirt from settling on the sheets.

Moreover, coming home after a long day of work and seeing your bed neatly arranged and ready to welcome you is actually a psychological boost.

On the other hand, seeing it in disarray may unconsciously bother you, perhaps triggering memories of chaotic or stressful situations you may have experienced during the day.

Invest a few minutes in this habit, remembering to adorn it with pillows and blankets: there doesn’t need to be a lot, just enough to make it immediately inviting and cozy!

(credits: @franzibower;


This suggestion might seem obvious, but I’ve often seen people leave dishes in the sink to wash them later or load the dishwasher afterward.

That tends to happen, especially during breakfast, when there’s a rush, and in the evening, when one is tired.

However, this has an impact on our minds and well-being because waking up in the morning or returning from the office to a chaotic kitchen is anything but relaxing and enjoyable.

Starting your day by dealing with the mess in the morning is not the best way to begin the day on a serene note!

And when it happens after a long day at work, when you might already be tired, it just adds stress!

Therefore, it’s a good habit to wash dishes immediately or, if you have one, load the dishwasher, leaving the kitchen organized and clean.

Plus, you’ll avoid lingering unpleasant odors!



This point is similar to the previous two, especially the bed one!

Coming home to a tidy couch with plump cushions and neatly arranged blankets (even those that may seem casually thrown have a specific arrangement) has a positive and calming impact on us.

Similar to the bed, the couch becomes inviting and welcoming.

It doesn’t take much time, even less than making the bed, but this small habit will always leave the living room organized, pleasant, and relaxing!

(credits: Alamy;


That is an often overlooked detail, but it’s paramount to be mindful of towels for two reasons.

Firstly, it is a good idea to change them regularly; it may seem trivial, but seeing crumpled dirty towels in the bathroom or kitchen is less than ideal.

Moreover, they inevitably develop odors that permeate the room.

The other thing to be cautious about is the color!

It’s a good idea, both for the kitchen and bathroom, to choose towels that align with the home color palette.

As always, this creates visual harmony, which is beneficial not only for the eyes but also for the mind.

Harmony has the power to calm and soothe, promoting relaxation!

(credits:; Jessica Windle)


It’s not always easy to have a shoe rack at the entrance, especially if it gives in a not-so-large open space.

Shoe racks are often placed in bedrooms or, ideally, in storage closets.

However, removing your shoes at the entrance, even if the shoe rack isn’t nearby, is paramount.

That is because, as you can imagine, we step on all sorts of things outside the house, and if we walk with our shoes inside, we inevitably bring these contaminants indoors!

We make an effort to keep everything in order, and then we risk having a dirty floor.

That is another factor that creates visual disorder and unconscious discomfort.

Leave a pair of well-kept slippers near the door, take off your shoes as soon as you enter, and put them away in the shoe rack.

Do the reverse when you need to leave.

It’s a small habit that you’ll quickly adapt to, and it will effectively help you maintain a consistently tidy home!

(credits: Future PLC;

I hope this article has been helpful and enjoyable for you. If so, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I would be honored, and it will help me gain more exposure.

If you feel that your home, or any specific area of it, doesn’t reflect your personality enough, don’t wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Do you want to change the face of your bathroom, making it more “luxurious” and sophisticated, without having to renovate it?

This article then is for you: today, I will give you 10 tips to change the face of the bathroom quickly and effectively!



The most immediate thing to do is to check all the textiles in the bathroom, from the towels to the rug to the tub curtain, if any!

These details are indeed quite crucial because textiles bring texture, movement, and depth!

Check out the ones you currently have: are they in good order or a little old and creased?

In case they are a bit old, it might be worth changing them!

The choices for both rugs and towels are literally endless!

You can choose actually simple, minimalist rugs for a contemporary, fresh, linear look, but you could also opt for rugs with more textured patterns to give it some extra movement!


(credits:; amazon)

Even for towels, there’s an embarrassment of choices!

Always opt for towels that make your color palette stand out, and tie in well with the rest.

When in doubt, get them white: they go with any color and style, are durable, easy to clean, and always very elegant and timeless!

(credits:; Neiman Marcus)

If you have a bathtub and curtain instead of glass, don’t settle for classic plastic curtains!

These will not add any value to your bathroom.

Even for these items, there are now many options: choose something a little more sophisticated that goes well with the rug and towels!

Whether it’s in a solid color or with some pattern, the tub curtain is also a great way to give that special touch to the bathroom!

(credits: @txsizedhome’s; Claudia Dulak)


Curtains are part of textiles, but I prefer to dedicate a space just for them!

Even if bathroom window glasses are not transparent, having curtains in the bathroom is indeed advisable!

First of all, they are yet another way to bring texture, movement, and style, plus they help filter light making it “softer” and more relaxing.

In this environment, glass curtains are perhaps the best, also because they are the most practical!

They can be roller, packet, or even panels arranged at the bottom with a magnet!

The choice will obviously depend on the style of the bathroom!

If the bathroom is large and classically styled, you could also think about putting up drapery curtains if you like; they would make the bathroom look even more sophisticated!

It will be paramount here to choose a moisture-resistant material that is easy to wash!

Also, opt for light-colored curtains to maximize the entry of natural light, even if filtered!



We also saw this in the 7 tricks for decorating your home like a Pro: prevent the visual chaos of a thousand bottles of various products!

Shampoo, conditioner, shower or soap foam, liquid soap, etc… all have small bottles of different shapes and, moreover, different colors!

The colors are often super vivid and will hardly have anything to do with your color palette!

Choose matching dispensers, putting the appropriate label on them so you know what it is, and transfer the various products inside!

Chances are you already have a pretty dispenser on the sink for liquid soap; why not do it for the shower as well?

Some even have brackets that can be glued to the wall, and it is very convenient to use!

That is a decidedly inexpensive trick that will immediately make a huge difference, however, instantly enhancing your bathroom and making it look more stylish!

(credits: etsy)


Wooden items and wicker baskets are stunning elements to give the bathroom that touch of warmth and elegance!

Think, for example, of a stool near the bathtub or shower to rest the essentials.

It might also be helpful for you to sit while you take care of yourself!

It is a little item that will really bring, however, a lot to the bathroom!

You could also think of putting a wooden ladder as a towel rack; or use accessories, such as toothbrush holders and dispensers!

Wood is a natural element that elevates any environment!

(credits: NeutralInstinct-Amanda Tiernan;

In addition to bringing texture and warmth, wicker baskets will be highly helpful for always keeping everything neat.

Tidiness is very important for a “luxurious” and sophisticated bathroom!

You can find baskets in all shapes and sizes; you can use them to put extra towels in case of guests or toilet paper rolls…

By doing so, even if they remain in sight, everything will be more studied and researched!

They can also be great pot covers for any plants!

(credits:; Amazon)


You are not surprised by this point, are you?

Unless it is a blind room, there is no place in the house where you should not have plants and flowers!

They can be small compositions on the sink cabinet only to give that extra touch, especially if the bathroom is small!

They can also be pots of pothos hanging or leaning on a shelf or cabinet, but if space allows, they can also be large potted plants on the ground!

The plants must be moisture-loving such as pothos, precisely, or orchids (there are others: you can ask any florist).

Plants and flowers, as we have said many times now, make us feel close to nature, which helps relaxation.

They also bring life and elegance to the bathroom.

(credits:; @mylittlesho_kingston)


Candles and scents help to make the environment more pleasant and cozy.

Candles also give a slightly romantic touch, and when lit, they help to relax as well.

Fragrances such as lavender and eucalyptus will help the feeling of relaxation even more!

You can add scents besides candles with potpourri or diffusers to have a pleasantly scented bath at all times!

(credits: wallsandthingsofficial;


The tricks shown so far to make the bathroom “luxurious” and sophisticated are truly simple and immediate and do not require any form of labor!

Now let’s look at others that may be a little more challenging but which, for the most part, you can still do on your own.


The sink area is the focal point of the bathroom 90 out of 100; make it unique with a special mirror.

The mirror is a must-have item in the bathroom.

Get it big, maybe with a particular frame or shape; it doesn’t have to be square or rectangular!

You could get it backlit to also give some depth to that area!

Please, don’t settle for the classic mirror: of course, it has to be functional as well as attractive!



In addition to lighting properly with a general light, and task light at the mirror, think about using light and lamps to decorate and elevate your bathroom, making it more “luxurious” and sophisticated!

If you have hanging furniture, you can think about putting LED strips underneath them to give depth to the cabinet.

These lights, then, could be helpful if you get up at night: they will allow you to see without waking up!

We saw this earlier: always to create depth and some visual interest, you can use backlit mirrors.

Most importantly, use decorative lamps both on the ceiling and especially in the mirror area!

If you have a relatively simple mirror, you can take a more scenic lamp; conversely, choose more simple and linear lights if the mirror is highly elaborated!

You can also use pendants, even for the mirror, perhaps only on one side, to create a playful asymmetry.

Maybe put more than one at different heights, always to create some play and visual interest.

The only precaution will be to be careful about their heights: so as not to risk bumping your head against them.



An effective way to change the face of the bathroom is to repaint it!

Color, you know, has a strong visual impact, and the same environment with different colors can definitely give different feelings.

You can also find suitable colors for tiles, maybe you should call a specialist for that if you don’t have manual expertise, but it can be done!


Color changing can be done for furniture too!

Perhaps the bathroom vanity is a bit old and worn out. By painting it, you will give it a new lease of life and certainly enhance the perception of your bathroom, making it more sophisticated!


You could also consider using wallpaper, perhaps in the area around the vanity, to create a striking focal point.

Alternatively, if you have high ceilings, you could use wallpaper on the ceiling for something actually unique!

Again, when it comes to installing wallpaper, it is advisable to hire a professional to ensure the best result.

(credits: Kristin Laing;


Faucets and handles are details that can have a significant impact on the perception of the environment.

Changing the handles on the cabinets will give them a whole new look, elevating their appearance!

If you’ve painted the cabinet, changing the handle becomes almost essential!

You can find a variety of handles in terms of shape, color, and material. Choose the one that best suits the new style and color palette.

The same goes for faucets, we have almost all standard ones, but there is really everything on the market!

So look for something more distinctive that can help, along with the rest, to make the bathroom more “luxurious” and sophisticated!


I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Here we go again to the design elements rubric! Today we talk about iconic sofas that have made history!

If you are interested in this rubric, here is the playlist with all the videos!


It is one of the most famous sofas, born in 18th century England.

The sofa is named after the British town of the same name because it was commissioned by Lord Philip Stanhope, the fourth Earl of Chesterfield precisely.

The name, to be exact, comes from the name of the earl’s fiefdom because he actually lived in London.

Always very elegant, the count sought a comfortable seat that would not crease his clothes.

It took its cue from the interior seats of carriages of the time and the couches of the French court.

Its unique feature is its manufacturing called capitonné, which consists of the use of buttons placed in a network of lozenges.

It is a sofa with soft padding and was born with leather upholstery, but you can now find it in every color and fabric.

It has also changed slightly in design over the years, but still very recognizable!

There are also armchairs and ottomans.

The Chesterfield sofa is highly stylish, and, despite its classic connotation, it can really fit into any style!

Little curiosity Chesterfield sofas and armchairs are widely used in movies and TV series!!!


Designed by Vico Magistretti for the Cassina brand in 1973.

It is a soft and cozy-looking sofa, the forerunner of adjustable-back sofas.

Its story is peculiar because it was born from a “rejection.” In fact, Vico Magistretti presented a prototype sofa to Cesare Cassina, but the latter was unconvinced and apparently punched the prototype.

The impact was so strong that the backrest folded, and this was the inspiration for Magistretti to create Maralunga with the headrest that folds forward, giving the option of having a high or low backrest.

That is a real innovation in both the lines and the possibility of adapting the backrest to different needs!

Folding the headrest is made possible by a bicycle chain in the backrest padding.

Maralunga is a series that sees 2-seater and 3-seater sofas, armchairs, and ottomans; it was born in leather, but today it is also found in fabric and different colors.

It fits perfectly with minimalist, modern, and contemporary styles.

The Maralunga series was awarded the Compasso d’Oro at the 11th edition in 1979!


3 – LC2 SOFA

It was created in 1928 by the team of Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, and Charlotte Perriand for the Tonet company, now produced by Cassina.

It came into being under the name “Fauteuil Grand Confort, petit modèl,” meaning grand comfort armchair, small model.

Also LC is actually a series that has a 2-seater and 3-seater sofa, armchair, and ottoman.

Despite its considerable age, this sofa definitely has a modern and minimalist design.

It has an outer steel frame that supports it, with white or black leather cushions with soft padding inside.

This series, too, is now found in different fabrics and colors, and even the frame no longer exists only in pure steel but can be colored.

To make these seats as comfortable as possible, Le Corbusier carefully studied the proportions of the human body.

The outer frame, rather than hidden by padding, is a great innovation that breaks with convention.

The frame is made from flat and tubular steel pieces welded together to support the entire structure.

This series boasts numerous imitations!


Designed by Cini Boeri for Arflex in 1972.

It is a modular and removable sofa, much loved for its versatility and practicality: in fact, you can configure it in many ways: sofas, armchairs, sofa beds…

Initially, it should have been called “Christo” in tribute to the American artist of the same name.

In fact, the idea for these sofas was inspired by the wrap-around at the Leonardo da Vinci monument that the artist did in the early 1960s.

In fact, Boeri begins by bundling a quilt with ropes, represented by the stitching of the squares in the final product!

The product has evolved over time: it was born with a low backrest, later modified in 1975.

Then they added feet and made other minor changes until the 1986 final version.

In addition to modularity, the innovative idea is that the design is based on the covering and not the structure.

The padding, made of non-deformable polyurethane, ensures a certain comfort of the seat.

It is part of the permanent collections of many museums, including the Milan Triennale and MoMa in New York.

He won the Compasso d’Oro award in 1979.

Little curiosity: in the sofa bed version, the cover unzips and becomes a sleeping bag!


Designed by Mario Bellini for B&B between 1970 and 1972.

This sofa is basically a big cushion in all its parts.

Using Bellini’s own words, this sofa “is not upholstered in fabric, but is constructed of fabric”!

The structure, in fact, is actually the lining of the sofa itself.

The success of this sofa also comes from the product’s creative and provocative advertising campaign.

Photographer Oliviero Toscani and model Donna Jordan, Andy Warhol’s muse, who poses bare-breasted and in daring poses, were called in.

At the Salone del Mobile that year, some posters of these photographs were exposed, and the model’s breasts were censored with a black stripe.

That gave more resonance to the advertising campaign and consequently to the sofa!

In 2007, the designer was recalled so that he could modernize the product, which, in fact, was streamlined and made coverable.

And the Advertising Campaign was again entrusted to photographer Oliviero Toscani who proposed dolls of the new millennium!

The sofa the Dolls exists in 2 and 3-seater sofa and armchair versions!

This sofa was awarded the Compasso d’Oro in 1979!



Like the previous one, this one was also designed by Mario Bellini in 1970 for B&B.

The name comes from the union of two words chameleon and onda (wave)

The first denotes the ability of this product to adapt to any environment the second indicates the sinuous shapes characteristic of this product.

It is not a “simple” modular sofa but also transformable!

Thanks to a system of hooks, in addition to being able to join different modules together, this sofa can change faces by removing, putting on, or moving backs and armrests!

And this really allows you to have a different sofa every day and change the face of the environment!!!

It is a product designed to be eco-friendly.

The sofa is a capitonné padded with polyurethane, has a removable cover, and the lining is a synthetic fabric, dracon, made from recycled pet.

Backrests and armrests and the bases of the various modules are made of wood panels, again emphasizing the sustainable nature of the product.

The feet are no exception to the concern for nature and are made of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified beech.

This certification ensures that the wood comes from environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and eco-sustainable forest management!

This sofa is suitable for all styles!


As you may have noticed, the 1970s-80s were very prosperous for the birth of original and iconic sofas that still make history today.

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Having a scented home is very important for one’s well-being; in fact, scents, like light and colors, act on our psyche, making us feel good or not.

We experience the home with all the senses, so also with the smell, and a scented home will elevate the perception of rooms by giving them a touch of style and sophistication.

So today, I’d like to see with you some ways to keep your house smelling fresh all the time; some of them will seem obvious, but I’d prefer to mention them anyway!


That may even seem trivial as far as being obvious, but changing the air by opening windows is the most important and the easiest thing to do!

It is paramount to do this daily, perhaps in the morning when the smog is not yet too intense.

Also, do it every time you have cooked; actually, it would be a good thing to keep them just open while you are cooking, in winter if you have windows set up, you can open them to flap so that not too much cold can get in, but smells can get out.


The kitchen and bathroom are the two rooms where moisture is most likely to be created:

– in the former, especially when cooking;
– in the latter, either when showering or hanging out the laundry (for the lucky ones who have laundry rooms, the moisture will be created there!).

It is essential, here too, to ventilate because humidity brings some unpleasant smell and stale air.

Another small caution is to pick up the laundry when it is fully dry because if it is even a little damp, this moisture will give the clothes an unpleasant smell instead of a good scent.

In the closets, it is also advisable to put bags of dried lavender or Marseille soap flakes, it will scent the laundry even more, and the scent will invade the room whenever you open the doors and drawers.

(credits: casa e giardino;


Unfortunately, many things can leave unpleasant smells in the house; earlier, I mentioned cooking and moisture, but there are really many others: shoes, garbage, dirty dishes, and pets…

When you arrive home and take off your shoes, it is a wise idea to let them air out on the balcony for about ten minutes and then store them in shoe racks or boxes, thus preventing them from leaving odor around.

For the same reason, always taking out the garbage bags and cleaning the bins, as well as the refrigerator, dishwasher, and washing machine become paramount to having a scented home.

For those who have pets, it becomes a priority to frequently clean the kennel or cage, change the sand in the litter box, and pick up the food bowls when finished because these are all things that leave unpleasant odors, you may not smell it anymore, but any guests will.

(credit: Dana Miller)


That may be something we pay a little less attention to, and if we change the bedclothes often, maybe we don’t do the same with bedspreads, curtains, pillow slipcovers, etc.

All fabrics you have in your home absorb odors and release them in turn!

So here is why washing curtains, blankets, pillows, slipcovers, etc., frequently becomes essential to have a home that always smells good!

That also applies to rugs and sofa covers; actually, the latter should be bought with removable covers for this very reason.

I know it is a bit tedious and time-consuming work: however, it could become a great opportunity and excuse to change the face of the house!!!

You could, in fact, having a removable sofa, take a second cover of another color or material, the same for the curtains, pillow slipcovers, blankets, bedspread, etc…

Every time you have to wash them, you could change them!

By doing so, you will not have to stay with a “bare” house due to the time of washing and drying, and precisely you will have environments that change often!

That might make this cleaning a little more fun!



There is nothing better than plants and flowers to scent the house!

Of course, we have said many times it is not always possible to have fresh flowers in the house, some do not like them, but there are some effective tricks!

The first is to have bowls of potpourri, to change frequently.

Or to create compositions of fake flowers on which to put two drops of essential oils every now and then!

For the kitchen, it will suffice to have a few jars of herbs that will give off their wonderful fragrance.

For the bathroom, I’ll give you a cheap and super effective little tip, put a few drops of essential oil inside the toilet paper roll: try it to believe!!!



Last but not least, use perfumers and candles!

You can find candles of all scents and shapes on the market!

That will not only smell good but also create atmosphere and give warmth to the room!

Then, of course, as just mentioned, there are also perfumers, and, again, there are many kinds.

There are burners, the terracotta ones, at the top of which you put oils that evaporate because of the candle underneath.

These, like candles, also give that extra touch because they create a little atmosphere.

Then there are essence diffusers: those that keep in the plug and the ultrasonic diffusers that give off fragrant vapor.

Finally, there are room sprays.

My advice is to keep the scents the same in the various rooms to avoid mixing too many fragrances that might then annoy!

Better to change fragrance every now and then than have different scents at the same time!

(; maisons du monde)

I hope this article with tips to have a scented home was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested!

I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your advice!

Having a small bathroom is really a problem, and in homes where there are two, generally at least one is indeed tiny, maybe even without a window.

The small bathroom is a very challenging space to design, but with a few small tricks, you can make it look bigger, functional, and even definitely trendy!

Let’s look at them together.


Measure the available space is the first step to understanding how to proceed and buy proportionate elements!

Specific standards exist for the minimum distances between fixed elements like the toilet and bidet. Once you have identified and positioned them correctly, you can decide on the sink (with or without a cabinet), shower or bathtub, and everything else.


Regarding the sink, avoid placing or wedging it in large cabinets that rest on the floor: it’s better to use wall-mounted cabinets, simple shelves, or light, open structures.

Being able to see beyond or having floor space amplifies the space visually.

(credits: Sonia Meneghin;

Remember, for the sink, there is no minimum size; it depends on how you use it and your needs.

For a secondary bathroom, a smaller sink could make a difference!


If you opt for a hugger sink, beware of its proportions relative to the available space!

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of paying attention to the shape: a rounded sink might be more functional than a square one!

Once you have identified the positions of the fixed elements, you can choose the rest, such as materials and colors, that can help visually enlarge the bathroom.


It may seem trivial, but having wall-mounted faucets allows you to save space by reclaiming those extra centimeters where the faucet is anchored.

A wall-mounted faucet adds a touch of style to the bathroom and is also super functional for cleaning: there won’t be that annoying ring that forms on the sink around the faucet!


With a bowl-type sink placed on a cabinet or shelf, you can also position the faucet on the side.


– COLORS (light and… dark!)

The trick to make a bathroom appear hugger is to use very little contrast with the colors!

Light colors will illuminate and give a lot of space to the bathroom.

Everything should be light: walls, fixtures, furniture, and details like handles; the latter will illuminate even more if they have a glossy finish!

By light, I don’t necessarily mean white, but any color used in a light, desaturated version.

(credits:; Meg Graf Designs)

Even the curtains should be light and airy, perhaps Roman shades partially pulled up… it’s a small detail that will instantly make the space look larger.

(credits:; ph Michael J. Lee)

However, you should know that you are NOT forced to use only light tones.

It may seem strange, but very dark colors, especially in windowless bathrooms, create a sense of depth and give the illusion of a larger space!

The trick, with dark colors too, is to use very little contrast: everything should be dark (except for the fixtures; if you prefer!).

Another clever strategy is to use glossy colors to reflect light everywhere!

Just as light colors don’t necessarily mean white, dark colors don’t automatically mean black.

Instead, use intense colors and low lighting to make everything appear more dramatic!



It is ideal, whenever possible, to have shower enclosures and bathtubs without frames, as frames create a barrier.

Where a frame is necessary, it should be as minimal as possible and light (if you choose dark colors, it should be dark but still minimal).

Where possible, you can also use a simple fixed panel!

(credits: Jacqui Turk;

Of course, in the case of a shower without a door, you will need to pay particular attention to the drain, ensuring it is hugger than usual to avoid water spilling all over the bathroom!

If you have a bathtub, you can opt for a curtain.

When opened, it will create no visual barrier and add a touch of color to the bathroom.



Wallpaper or tiles with large patterns help give the impression of a larger space.

The larger the pattern, the more spacious the room will seem!

Going “out of scale, out of proportion,” in this case, is absolutely recommended, so feel free to unleash your creativity!!


If you don’t like large patterns, you can choose small patterns ONLY as long as they are tone-on-tone with very little contrast.

That will give the impression of a color rather than a pattern.


If the pattern you like is particularly bold and busy, consider using it only on the upper half of the wall and tiling the lower half to lighten things up a bit!


If you prefer not to use wallpaper but tiles, a trick to make your bathroom appear larger is to tile all the walls up to the ceiling.

That will give a nice effect to your small bathroom!

As with patterns, the ideal is to use huge tiles and minimize the visibility of grout lines as much as possible!

It’s not necessary to have all the walls with the same tile; you can change it in the shower/bathtub area, always being careful to use little contrast!


As for the floor, in addition to large tiles, it’s a great idea to use the same tile for the shower floor.

A material change creates a boundary, which makes the space look smaller.

If you don’t have a shower but a built-in bathtub, you can consider tiling the surround with the same tile as the floor.



A mirror reflects light, which will instantly make the space feel larger.

So, consider a large mirror that covers an entire wall, perhaps even up to the ceiling, for a dramatic effect.

That is especially useful in windowless bathrooms, where the mirror will act as a sort of window by reflecting and multiplying the light in the room.

(credits:; Ph Alessandra Bonotto Hoffmann Paim)

Of course, mirror only ONE wall; avoid the infinite repetition effect by mirroring all the walls or even just the opposite walls. Doing so will only result in a major headache!


Another effective way to visually enlarge the space is by creating a small ledge along the entire wall to place objects on

I know it may seem counterintuitive because it technically reduces the space by a few centimeters, but having a spot to place, perhaps a picture or a few well-chosen decorative items, will really give the illusion of a larger room.


As for storage units, they should be well-closed!

In a small bathroom, visible items like towels and containers, even if neatly arranged, create clutter and make the space feel smaller!


With these small precautions, even a small bathroom can become functional and trendy, almost like a little gem of the house!

I hope this article has been helpful and enjoyable for you. If so, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I would be honored, and it will help me gain more exposure.

If you feel that your home, or any specific area of it, doesn’t reflect your personality enough, don’t wait any longer and book your consultancy!

The idea of having a luxurious home appeals to everyone, no doubt, but it is also a fact that you cannot always afford to spend large prices on furnishing.

However, some little tricks will allow you to have a home that looks more luxurious and perhaps designed by an expert!

Let’s look at them together:


No, don’t think about the wallpapers our grandparents had! There are all kinds and for all tastes on the market today!


Without necessarily opting for the super-colored ones (which should not be banned, we’d miss it), think of a neutral color, but one that carries different textures.


It is not mandatory to cover all four walls: you can also do just an accent wall or a bookcase background.

The visual impact of the wallpaper is powerful and immediately gives the idea of something sophisticated and elegant.


We saw it in the 2021 trends, and again, it has nothing to do with what our grandparents had.

However, adding details like these means bringing in textures, but most importantly, that touch of elegance!

These elements create visual interest and immediately make the room look “richer.”


Again it is not mandatory to use it, as with wallpaper, on all four walls, but you could use it in only one that will become the room’s focal point!

Beware that this kind of decoration is suitable for classic style but also a modern and contemporary style!


Chandeliers are items that can enhance the aesthetics of a room if properly chosen and placed.

The chandelier usually makes the ambient light, but if properly placed above the table or on the island, it will indeed help create a focal point by emphasizing that specific area.

(credit Nicole Franzen;;

Depending on the chandelier you choose, you will undoubtedly add a touch of personality and style.

Always consider, when choosing, the colors, style, and materials you have chosen for the walls, furniture, and accessories!

Try to create cohesion with the other elements in the house!

When the chandelier falls on a rectangular table, remember to get it lengthwise or put more than one so that you can suitably illuminate everything!

(credit Pinterest; Poliform; Pinterest)


We often have the habit of buying sofas and armchairs in agreement; however, putting an armchair or seats with contrasting shapes, materials, and colors with the couch will give the room a different, more luxurious perception.

Doing this is also a great way to bring a touch of color and different textures to that room and, thus, effectively break the monotony and make it more interesting!

The room will look more elegant, sophisticated, and studied!

(credit villa Bellaria umbria Ph Kristian Septimius Krogh)

If the seating is totally different from the sofa, remember to “justify” it, perhaps by picking the color in the pillows, pictures, or other decorative objects.

That will make the environment harmonious!

You can find many different seats on the market and at all prices; what they have in common, as mentioned before, is that they will give emphasis and character to any room!

(credit Ikea)


Pillows are another beautiful way to bring in textures and colors.

Putting a couple of pillows on the sofa that, as written a few lines ago, recall the different seat, or some color present in the decorations, will give a sense of harmony and keep everything well balanced.

(credit Pinterest;; Pinterest)

Putting pillows on the bed is also a good idea; you can place them in various ways, creating beautiful compositions.

That will give importance and elegance to the bed.

(credit Vivere lo stile; Brittany Niemer; Etsy)

Taking off and putting on pillows every day takes a little time, of course, but it is an investment that the final result will amply repay!


Curtains dress the home, bringing, too, textures and colors.

They bring warmth and elegance.

A pretty rod anchored high up, just below the ceiling, and soft, well-draped curtains that come to lean on the floor will make any room look decidedly more sumptuous.


It is not mandatory to have highly pricey curtains: even at Ikea, you can find beautiful low-cost ones, but the dramatic effect they give is really unique.


If space allows, you can put drapery curtains also in the bathroom and kitchen, giving elegance and that extra touch to those two rooms as well!


The mirror is functional for reflecting oneself, but it is also an object that stands out in any room.

Properly placed, it amplifies light and can even give the illusion of a larger space than it actually is!


Spaces seem to flow better because its ability to reflect creates a kind of continuity, but most importantly, it provides a focal point that draws attention and enhances the room.

Mirrors resting on the floor, uniquely shaped mirrors will be able to give that extra touch of character and style!

(credit Living-corriere)


The human mind needs balance, and symmetry is a form of it.

When you furnish and decorate, try to create symmetries; you don’t have to do it all the time: it might even be boring after a while, but for example, putting two equal table lamps at the ends of the console could be one way.


Using symmetry with objects or some furniture will immediately give the impression of something definitely researched.



Details can change the face of rooms: so pay attention to finishes such as handles or faucets!

(credit Franke; Frattini;

I have already spoken about this in a previous video, but the same kitchen, sink, or cabinet with different faucets and handles will give different impressions!

On the market, you find endless variations of materials and shapes, both as faucets and handles and at all prices, but these are details that can actually make a difference and make your home feel more luxurious!

(credit Ikea; Gucki; Ikea)

They are easily changeable elements that, correctly chosen, can give your home a touch of elegance and style.


Plants bring color and textures into the home, and fresh flowers bring fragrance; all of these things elevate our perception of the ambiance.

Plants, as mentioned other times, bring us back to nature, allowing us to feel better; in particular, the scent of fresh flowers helps lower anxiety.

(credit @homepolish)

So plants and flowers have a dual function: they bring beauty, elegance, and well-being too!

Orchids, lavender, eucalyptus, and gardenia add a touch of elegance and a pleasant scent to any room!

If you don’t like cut flowers, you can also bring fragrance with candles and diffusers; those will also be very effective in enhancing environments.

Avoid fake plants and flowers except for the occasional small arrangement here and there!

Then if, like me, you’re not exactly a green thumb, know that there are very easy-to-care-for plants that are “big talkers,” as Simona Borgia, the urban gardener, says in this video!

One more note, it seems almost silly to say, but clutter is really the opposite of luxury!

So everything must be suitably stored and nothing out of place!

The clutter otherwise could ruin all the study and work done!


I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Furnishing your home is exciting and thrilling, but it’s easy to run into common mistakes that will then make the result not quite what you imagined!

Today I would like to talk about what to do when you decide to furnish your home, giving you four helpful tips to succeed in having the home of your dreams.

Now you know, I’ve said it several times: it is necessary to have a detailed project, even when you have to “only” furnish; if not, the risk is to buy impulsively things that you like but then do not fit with the rest!

So let’s see 4 steps to take to baste a project and avoid mistakes!


It seems like a trifle, but we don’t always think deeply about our needs and what we really want and need.

Yet an environment becomes truly special when it reflects the particular personality of the person who inhabits it!

Everyone is unique, and we experience home differently based on who we are and our habits.

So here is where it becomes relevant to know what we like, but more importantly, what is really functional for our daily lives.

So the first thing to do is to evaluate the functional aspects of the spaces you have:

– how do you use that particular space?

– What do you need to make sure that you are comfortable performing various tasks?

Once you have identified these two things in detail, it is a good idea to make a list of what and how much furniture you need and decide where to place it so that it will be functional.


Next you can move on to aesthetics, thinking about what style or mix of styles you would like in your home to feel good.

To do this, you can take inspiration from the Internet (we know Pinterest is an inexhaustible source) and/or magazines

Be careful not to “copy” the settings you see that attract you; this could be detrimental (I explained this in this video).

Ask yourself what you are drawn to and like about those settings:

– color palette

– textures

– materials

– lighting

– style…

(credit mk.nordic)

When you understand and are clear about your preferences, you can really start to get more into the details.

An important thing to do is to organize the ideas and, especially, to see that all the inspirations we have chosen can match each other.

One effective way is to create a mood board where you put everything that attracts you: furniture, objects, textiles, colors, everything.

There are many ways to do that: for example, you can do it with Canvas or even simply using PowerPoint.

Mood boards are used to visualize all the ideas effectively: everything is packed together in one sheet.

What you need to check is whether the final result is pleasing and harmonious and whether everything fits together perfectly.

If not, you can always make adjustments and avoid buying things that won’t fit later!


In recent years the trend in home colors is to use hues that bring back nature and warm neutrals.

But this doesn’t necessarily fit you! You have to choose the one that you feel most can represent your personality and makes you feel good.

(credit Fab mood)

The palette you choose will also serve as a guide when choosing furniture, as well as textiles, lamps, and various decorations!

To do this, start with the details of the room, such as the floor, the finishes, such as windows and doors, and the type of light, natural and artificial present.

I recommend choosing neutral colors as a general base and then the color(s) (without overdoing it) you will want to use to define the color palette.

Remember that the same color can then be used with different saturations creating movement even with one color.


Of course, the palette may change a bit over time, but it is paramount to have it to understand whether a particular item you would like to buy is in harmony with the whole!

Having clear ideas about colors and materials is absolutely essential to having a harmonious and cohesive home.


Light plays a crucial role in decorating your home because, depending on how it is designed, it can change the face of the room.

You may have studied and chosen the best aesthetic and decided on the best color palette, but if you get the light wrong, the result will be compromised.

Why is light so important?

Because it can change the way we perceive spaces and especially how we can feel inside them.

Good light will enhance the colors chosen and the furnishings present, as well, because it defines the volumes and creates movement and depth through light-shadow contrasts.

(credit Tadao Ando)

That makes spaces definitely more appealing and aesthetically pleasing!

(credit Mantellassi)

In a video, I explained in detail how to best light each room by describing the various types of lighting and how to choose the right color temperature for the bulbs (you can find it here)


Details make a difference and should be studied.

By details, I mean, for example, the door and cabinet handles the faucets, and architectural details that may already be present or that you may want to add.


(credits: Kevin Whatley;; Kraus USA)

(Credit Eleonora Giacopetti)

These details, well thought out, will enhance your rooms!

Even in fashion, clothes are enhanced with a few details, such as a belt, a brooch, or particular jewelry, when you wear them.

Details will help add personality and style to your home, making an ordinary space into something fabulous!

Of course, these details must match your chosen style and color palette to maintain balance and harmony.

Carefully following these 4 steps will allow you to make conscious and focused choices for a home that represents you in depth and where you will always feel comfortable!

One last tip: when shopping for your home, always carry the mood board you created with you, so you will avoid buying things that don’t fit, somehow ruining all the work done!!!

I hope the article was helpful and you loved it; in case, in the comments!

Please feel free to share this article with someone you think might be interested in the topic, I will be honored, and it will help me grow my channel!

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

How to furnish a mansard?

Living in a mansard has a certain charm because of its unusual shape, but for the same reason, decorating it is not so easy!

Today let’s see together some tips and tricks to make attic rooms comfortable!

Before we get into today’s topic, let’s make a little history: the mansard and this term come from the French word “mansarde,” which in turn comes from the name of the architect François Mansart (1598-1666) who first designed this type of housing.

There are pros and cons to having a mansard room or apartment


– it is an original and striking environment because of the sloping ceilings, often with exposed beams;

– thanks to the skylights, it tends to be a bright environment;

– with a bit of imagination, you will be able to find unusual settings not found in “normal” apartments.


– it is not easy to find suitable furniture in stores;

– you have to be more careful about the climate and relative temperatures.

The roof is definitely exposed, and the risk is to have a room or house very hot in summer and very cold in winter;

– despite having a large floor plan, it might look small, having areas perhaps not walkable!

With good design, however, these cons can be, if not eliminated, at least curbed!

What makes particular a mansard is the difference in heights within it, which can be very different, making a furnishing project more or less difficult!


come arredare una mansarda


There are mansards that at their lowest point reach 2 meters and definitely make the task of furnishing it easier.

But there are also mansards that perhaps barely reach a meter in height and complicate things a little.

In this case, figuring out how to furnish the attic flat becomes more complicated but not impossible!

Speaking of heights, I make a very small digression: if you have an attic and would like to make it an apartment, you should know that there are very strict regulations to make that space habitable.

These regulations mainly concern heights (but not only), more precisely, the average height between the highest and the lowest point.

They vary from region to region, so I recommend contacting a technician who can give you the correct guidance!

Back to us, let’s look at some ideas that can help you better understand how to furnish a mansard!


That is, put the rooms in the right place!

By this, I mean placing in the highest areas those rooms where you are often standing, like the kitchen or the bathroom.


(credit.                                          (credit arch.Claude Petarlin)

In the lower areas, on the other hand, you can put, for example, the living room (especially the sofa area) or the bedroom…


(credit Westwing)                                                                  (Christian Schaulin tramite

That may create an irregular floor plan, but, after all, this is another thing that gives charm to this type of housing!


Here more than ever, making the best use of space is vital!

As we have seen among the cons of this type of housing, it will not be easy to find suitable furniture in traditional stores.

Therefore, it will be necessary to create custom-made furniture and carve out cabinets and storage in the lower areas that you could not otherwise exploit!


(credit Archon)                                                                          (credit vtwonen)

The cons turn into pros because you will have unique and original furniture designed not only for the conformity of the room but precisely for your needs!


These rooms should be very bright, as always natural light is preferred.

If it is a room, skylights will be okay, but if it is an entire apartment, it is good to have vertical windows and maybe, at least, a small veranda!


(credit Arch. Bartolucci)

That will allow a glimpse of the outside the risk, otherwise is to feel a bit stuffy!

As for artificial lighting, however, some tricks will improve living comfort:

– light from below and above, especially if you have a wooden roof!

– be careful with chandeliers except in the highest areas!

While passing under them without problems, the chandelier is still a bulky element that creates a visual “barrier” that will optically shrink spaces.

Electrified rails, adjustable spotlights, sconces, and LED strips will allow you to bring light where you want it with little clutter.


(if you are interested I talk about lighting in general here)


If the mansard is very low-lying, the ideal is to use light and bright colors, at least as a base.

That will optically expand the spaces giving more breathing room.

If you want to use it, the color will be good in the furniture, accessories, and textiles.



On the other hand, if the mansard is high, you can dare a little more by coloring some walls too.

In this case, do it in the brightest parts of the house and avoid too dark colors.



If you have a wooden ceiling and want to keep it that way, keep more neutral colors for the walls; so you don’t risk weighing the environment down.

You can think of whitewashing the wooden ceiling to give it more breathing room, all or part of it; for example, if you have beams, you can decide to whitewash the battens between the beams while keeping them unchanged.



(credit Architettura & Urbanistica Sigurtà)                        (credit Living corriere)

These 4 tips are the basics that will help you better understand how to decorate your mansard, but if you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to write in the comments so I can better help you!

I hope the article on how to furnish a mansard was helpful and you loved it; in case, let me know in the comments!

If you need any help just contact me!

Home decor and furnishing are exciting, and today I’d like to give you some tips that can help you do it to the best for a home that represents you deeply!

Good design is not only about aesthetics; it is not enough to put beautiful things in a room for it to be lovely and comfortable.

More importantly, it is about how each element can communicate with the other.

So it is not just a matter of “beauty,” but it is a proper interaction between the elements of the same environment.

Some basic concepts are crucial to designing or transforming any environment, making it unique and wonderful.

Each thing must be connected to the other and give a sense of unity.

These concepts that will help you best decorate your home are 6: let’s see them together!

1) The first home decor basic concept is to create EMPHASIS.

Said like this may sound tricky, but it is not: it is about creating a focal point!

So it is having something outstanding that grabs attention.

If everything in the room has the same importance, everything will seem somewhat unconnected, monotonous, or boring.

There is a need for something that attracts, that somehow breaks the patterns.

That can be a wall with a bold color, a painting or a particular object, etc.


(credit                                                                        (credit

2) another concept is creating CONTRAST

In order to create movement, it is relevant to put elements close together that contrast with each other through color, shape, materials, or sizes.

It can be done in many ways, for example, by combining light and dark colors, huge elements with small ones, shiny and matte surfaces, and so on…

These contrasting plays enliven the environment by giving it character!

(credit                                                                                (credit

3) RHYTHM is another essential concept.

In furniture, rhythm is achieved by creating repetitions and contrasts: it is like in the combination of musical notes, only this one is visual!

The repetitions create a flow that guides the eye through the surrounding space.

You can do it in various ways:
– a repeated architectural detail, object, or complement
– use the color of a painting in the patterning of a pillow and in some objects.

The latter will create rhythm precisely, but it will also help create balance and tie all the various elements together.


(credit                                                                       (credit

4) speaking of BALANCE, this is the fourth concept for a perfect interior project

Balance is the proper distribution of different visual weights.

Some colors, shapes, or sizes attract more than others and are said to have a greater visual weight.

To achieve a harmonious environment, it is paramount that these do not overpower what has less visual weight but that there is indeed a balance.

On paper, the perfect balance is symmetry, which is when dividing a room in half, the two parts are furnished in the same way; it is as if there is a mirror!


(credit Flanagan Lawrence source

Why did I write “on paper”?

Because it is not mandatory that everything is symmetrical to achieve balance: on the contrary, asymmetry could make everything more dynamic!

A color with a high visual weight will balance well with a neutral colored element, but perhaps very large…


(credit Abramson architects)

Or, again, when elements are duplicated.


(credit Knoll)

5) SCALE and PROPORTIONS are basic home decor concepts when designing furniture!

SCALE takes into consideration the size of an object relative to the room in which it is placed:

Small rooms with furniture that is way too bulky will suffocate the space (and therefore you!); conversely small furniture and objects in large rooms will get lost!


(credit Meridiani living)                                                                                       (credit Bronxes Studio)

PROPORTION takes into consideration the size of one item in relation to another.

A rug that is too small next to a large sofa will look out of place!

You cannot think only about the size of the room and the main furniture, but you will have to think about the size of each element and the correlation between them.


(credit                                                                                              (credit

6) Finally, the last concept is HARMONY.

You can achieve harmony when all the elements in the environment communicate with each other, creating a unique and balanced whole.

One must have the impression that each piece nicely matches the other.

As always, this does not mean using only one style or color, but it is paramount that each piece seems to belong to the other in some way!

To do this, you need, as mentioned before, for the pieces to communicate with each other, picking up the material or color, for example!


(credit                                                                         (credit


These six home decor concepts go hand in hand, and if followed carefully, they will help you decorate your home by creating unique and spectacular environments where you will always feel at ease!

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

And at the end of renovation work, what happens?

“I finally enjoy the house!” you’ll tell me!

Whether it is your permanent home or a second home…

And you’re right!


But I take inspiration from a fact that happened to me a few days ago, to make you understand that the end of the work and the handover of the keys does not mean that everything is finished and ok.

Some time ago, I followed the renovation of a farmhouse for foreign clients, their holiday home, and the work was finished about a year ago.

As you can easily imagine, living away from Italy, they can’t live in the house every day.

They, therefore, relied on a person who can open and check the house from time to time. And they rely on her for the management of the part used as a guest house.

This person has, as it should be, all the references of the companies and professionals who carried out the work so that she can face any problem…

In theory, at least.


Yes, because unfortunately, there was some malfunction:

– a leaking toilet,

– a shower that discharged badly,

– internet which was often absent.

Nothing really serious, just a big bother, but things that need to be fixed!

The lady, therefore, tried to call whoever had made the implant, unfortunately often IN VAIN!

Although she knows both plumbers and electricians, rightly, this person didn’t want to call them because it’s obvious that whoever made the installation knows it better and, therefore, knows where to put his hands.

I’ve tried to call them too and send them messages, which were read, but to which I didn’t receive an answer!

I honestly find this unprofessional behavior!

Sure, you can be busy at the moment, but is it possible that throughout the day, or at most the day after, you can’t find a moment to call back?


You know how much I insist on the design phase, on how important it is to really define the project in every detail, even including the furniture (or rather, starting from that).

Once this is done, however, it’s vital to choose the right constructor or professionals!

As I explain here, it must be done after studying the project to choose highly qualified professionals in the work you have to do.

Once you have found a list of specialized technicians, you need to do a further investigation to understand which one is really for you and it will always be there… even after the delivery of the keys!

It is not easy, because, as in every field, there are serious, mediocre professionals… unfortunately also real “criminals” (yes it’s a strong term, but there are also those!)

Sites and reviews are elements that already give you a first idea, but it is not enough:

– on the sites, they could have purchased photographs and not of works actually done

– the reviews could be from friends and family!


It’s important to have an in-depth interview!

At that moment you must be able to express all your doubts, even what seems silly to you, prepare a sheet with all the questions that come to your mind.

In some ways, this is a test: if they know how to answer all your questions exhaustively, really trying to dispel any doubts, they will show you their availability!

Availability that they easily will always show you, even once the work is finished!

You must be able to be sure that if something happens, you will always have someone who can help you!

Someone who will answer you when you call, if not immediately within a short time.

And if for any reason he cannot come immediately, he will move to solve the problem anyway!

It’s not easy, let’s face it, it’s a bit of luck, but the more careful you are in this choice, without being in a hurry to start work, the more likely it is that you won’t have too many surprises during, but also afterward!

For any doubts, do not hesitate to contact me, or if you want to write to me in the comments!