The bedroom is where we spend a third of our lives, and it’s where we should successfully get a good, restorative sleep to recharge our batteries and face the following day.

Proper bedroom design becomes truly vital, as the risk, otherwise, is to spoil your rest.

The bedroom should give us a feeling of calm, relaxation, and serenity to promote sleep.

Let’s see how to design the bedroom, regardless of its size, style, or budget available!


Color has a powerful psychological impact (I talked about it here), so it’s paramount to have a relaxing color palette!

The colors should be soft and inviting.

Neutral colors are definitely a great choice, but in general, you can also choose colors like blues and greens, which remind us of nature’s colors!

You can also combine these colors to create a pleasant, calming, and relaxing palette.

(credits:; Domino)

If your home has a vibrant color palette, you don’t have to give it up for your bedroom.

Just make it more neutral by adding white for light colors or black for dark colors.

If you love vibrant colors, you can still use them but in littler elements, like pillows or decorative blankets.

That will allow you to have that vibrant touch while maintaining a calm and serene mood.



For a good rest, it’s essential that the room is completely dark; it has been scientifically proven.

If you have blinds that can be fully closed, adjustable slatted shutters, or blackout shutters, you won’t have any problems.

However, if that’s not the case, it’s essential to use the proper curtains to darken the room.

If you like draped curtains, you can opt for double-layered curtains with sheer panels and blackout ones.

If you find double-layered drapery too classic and prefer a more modern look, you can always mix two types of curtains!

You can combine draped curtains with roller blinds.

For example, you could have sheer draped curtains with a blackout roller blind, or vice versa!

(credits:; lillytaylorinteriors)

There’s also the option of having double-layered roller blinds for an ultra-modern style.

Whichever type of double-layered curtains you choose, not only will help darken the room better but also add some movement and contrast, creating visual interest.

The colors of the curtains, needless to say, should harmonize with the rest of the room’s colors.



In the bedroom, lighting must also be designed to promote sleep!

It will be crucial to choose, thus, bulbs with a warm color temperature, around 2700 degrees Kelvin.

This temperature reminds one of the sunsets and helps cellular relaxation.

Also, be careful with the wattage of the bulbs: they should not be too strong!

You can put some additional, punctual lights in the closet area to see better, but stay soft in the rest of the room.

Another great idea is to use lampshades that can further soften the light!



To sleep well, the bed must be comfortable and inviting.

First and foremost, you should choose a suitable bed frame, mattress, and pillows according to your needs.

Then, it’s paramount to select the right bedsheets that are soft and pleasant to the touch, making you feel embraced and welcomed.

In addition to well-known fabrics like cotton, linen, and silk, you may not be aware of bamboo sheets!

They are said to be very soft, hypoallergenic, and temperature-regulating, preventing night sweats.

They are also reputed to be fantastic for skin and hair care, similar to silk.


Make your bed inviting and attractive by “dressing it up.”

Use a beautiful bedspread or duvet, and add a blanket at the foot of the bed made of a different material to create some movement and subtle contrast.

Also, add some decorative pillows to add a touch of playfulness, patterns, and colors.

A well-cared-for bed not only adds a touch of elegance to the room but also makes it pleasant and enticing.

It will make going to bed even more enjoyable!



Beyond the purely aesthetic aspect, having a cluttered or overly crowded bedroom creates a subconscious disturbance that can hinder a good night’s sleep.

It’s vital, therefore, to keep the room well-organized and everything in its place.

In addition to traditional furniture, you can add more storage under the bed or as a bench or ottoman.

If you have an open nightstand, consider placing baskets underneath to store items that may be visually bothersome.


That applies to decorations as well!

Avoid having too many pictures on the walls; it’s better to have a single large piece that serves as a focal point.

(credits: Laura Resen;


I couldn’t conclude without mentioning this point.

By now, we have established that the idea that having plants in the bedroom is harmful is incorrect (if you missed it, you find the interview with Simona, aka “Nina the urban gardener,” here).

On the contrary, Simona tells us that some plants even have purifying properties and, thus, they are beneficial to our health.

Having plants in the bedroom is psychologically beneficial because it makes us feel closer to nature, which aids relaxation.

They can only be vases with branches and leaves, but if space allows, you could even have large pots with big plants!

You can also enhance the ambiance with natural fragrances such as lavender, lemon balm, or chamomile.

These scents are subtle, relaxing, and promote sleep.


I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Today I would like to return to the home staging topic, starting with the numbers presented a few days ago by the two trade associations: the Associazione Nazionale Home Staging Lovers and the Associazione Professionisti Home Staging Italia.

The data speak for themselves: home staging is a marketing strategy that WORKS!!!

And as you can see, although it originated as a method to facilitate the sale of houses, it is now successfully used for short and long leases as well!

This is because it is a technique that makes the “product” home perceived in the best possible way!

The house, in fact, if you want to sell or rent it, is actually a product and should be presented at its best.

As you can imagine, even if we are talking about Home Staging, there are differences in its use, depending on whether it is a house to be sold, rented for the long term, or short rentals!


Concerning houses for sale, there are three situations we might encounter:

– empty house.

– furnished but uninhabited house.

– inhabited home.

In all three cases, the houses, needless to say, will have to be cleaned and possibly whitewashed!


The main focus in this situation is to make the spaces perceived correctly!

Many people have difficulty visualizing the house furnished, and when empty, rooms seem smaller than they are.

It is, therefore, necessary with furniture, more or less authentic, to show the potential of the house.

It is a scenography in its own right, but care must be taken that it does not simply look like an impersonal set…

The whole must capture the imagination of those who come to see it, giving them a taste of home!

You have to know how to strike the right emotional chords!


The focus always remains on making people realize the potential of the house, making them perceive the spaces.

Compared to the previous situation, one might be facilitated because some furniture is already present.

You will likely have to discard some furniture adding some more essential and neutral ones.

Here, too, one must give the feeling of home to stir up those emotions that make one want to live there!


While the focus is always on showing the potential and space of the house, compared to the previous two situations, this circumstance can be a bit more complicated, mainly for those who still live there!

In this case, the first and, indeed, the most challenging thing to do is to depersonalize the house as much as possible.

Not only that, but it will also often need to be “emptied” a little to give it more breathing room, in short, to do what is called decluttering!

It may also be necessary to move some furniture to improve usability more!

Here again, there will be a minimum of scenography to make the house even more attractive, scenography that the owners will obviously have to fix up on each visit!




For houses to put on long-term leases, we could find 2 situations:

– empty apartment

– furnished or partially furnished apartment


It is pretty unlikely to do temporary home staging for an apartment placed on the rental market; usually, it is furnished and rented furnished.

For this type of apartment, an attempt will be made to maintain a linear, simple, and clean style.

The trend will be to remain as neutral as possible, as is the case with homes for sale, to try to attract more potential renters.

Keeping the apartment neutral will also allow the renter to be able to customize it a bit!

You will have to make it functional by putting in the necessary, but without overfilling.

Even here, you have to make the person feel “at home” even if it is a rented house; they have to be able to imagine themselves living there!


These apartments often result from an inheritance, and you may find furnishings that are too classic, or over the years, you have put in furniture of totally different styles.

Home staging intervention serves to harmonize and modernize these apartments to make them more attractive.

Of course, one usually tries to keep as much as possible and replace only what is really nonfunctional, broken, or too much.

Again, an attempt will be made to remain as linear, clean, and neutral as possible!

And, again, you will make sure to give the feeling of being at home!


This type of apartment has in common with those for long-term rental that they must be furnished functionally.

In general, here as well, the style will be very linear and without too many frills.

Unlike the previous type, however, here, you can be a little more daring in colors and customization.

Here, those who go there do not need to have to personalize it to feel at home, but they need to feel welcome and cared for.

The intervention here is more like the interior design because you will try to give the apartment a particular connotation and character.

This is to surprise and attract a possible guest with something beautiful and, why not, even unusual at times!

Those are, in general, and in a simplified way, the various possible home staging interventions; if you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me!

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

When one buys a house, it is very likely to have to do a minimum of renovation, tending to be at least the bathroom(s), often the kitchen as well, and review the electrical system.

When facing a renovation, however, the risk is running into mistakes that will make you waste time and money, as well as bring you a lot of stress!

Today I would like to share with you some tips to succeed in your renovation and get to have the home of your dreams.


I know: once you buy a house, you can’t wait to do the work, furnish it to move, and live in it FINALLY.

It is normal and understandable, but precisely this rush will lead to stress, loss of time and money, and the risk of not having the desired result, above all!

What usually happens is that you buy a house, decide to redo the bathroom, maybe the kitchen, throw up a wall here, pull up a wall there, and maybe overhaul the electrical system.

So you call a constructor company, chosen, if it is good, by word of mouth, if not searched online.

You bring it into the house, explain what work you would like to do, and ask for an estimate.

Maybe you bring in other constructor companies, to get more estimates to compare, then with the same amount of work, you choose the least expensive.

And finally, it’s off to renovation!

Assuming that everything works during the renovation, this could lead to problems later in the furnishing phase.

The first is that maybe you fall in love with a piece of furniture that doesn’t fit, and it would have been better not to knock down that wall or build that other one!

Or you still miss a socket where you would have needed it, and so, then, you have to compromise!


Once you have bought a house, the earliest first thing to do would be a detailed project, including furnishings.

By furniture, I don’t mean knowing precisely what sofa, for example, you will want to buy.

But knowing that in that room, you will want a sofa of that size, shape, and color.

The essential is to have a clear idea of what furniture you need and how you want to place it so that it is functional for your everyday life!

You may find that that wall you wanted to tear down is better to maintain instead!

Also, by knowing exactly where you want to place the various pieces of furniture, you can put sockets and lights in a way that is actually useful and practical!

The kitchen is one of those rooms that should be studied first and carefully so that you can get the connections put in the right places.

Don’t let the connections determine what the kitchen should look like!

Once you’ve studied the furniture layout and then planned for any structural changes, it’s time to create a mood board to figure out the style and colors you want in your home.

A mood board is a sheet where you put all the pictures of the furniture and accessories you would like to have; putting it all together gives a complete view of the final result.

(If you want to know more, I’ll talk about it here.)

Of course, if you already have furniture, you will have to start with its style and colors!

The mood board will not only help in buying furniture and accessories but also when choosing materials such as doors and tiles!


Once you have the project in mind and seen the feasibility (especially if you’re tearing down or building walls) with a surveyor or architect, you can search for the proper construction companies.

A single contractor with turnkey or individual workers? Both of these choices have pros and cons:

  • with a single contractor, the various workers know each other and have already worked together, and you will have a single point of contact
  • with individual workers, you will have lower prices, very likely; the company will not add its percentage on the various professionals.  The choice, I would say, is very personal.

Having a detailed plan, whether you choose individual workers or a sole contractor, will be very helpful because you will know what type of work, what materials you want to use, how many sockets and lighting points you want, and where you want them.

It sounds like a no-brainer, but this will get you a much more accurate estimate and not be dictated well or poorly by the experience taken of similar works!

As for materials such as tiles and doors, I suggest that YOU go in search of the ones you want.

I know it can be long and maybe even boring after a while, but this will bring you two huge advantages:

  • you will have a wide selection, and you can touch it!
  • you will know with certainty the value of what you have in your home.

If you go through the construction company, you will have a much more limited choice because they will only bring you what their dealers offer them, and most importantly, you will not be sure of their actual value.

You might pay dearly for something of low quality (I speak, unfortunately, from experience! I’ll tell you about it here!)


When there is a home renovation, consider that there will be extras that could not be budgeted for before.

Generally, once you have an estimate, calculate at least 10/15% more!

However, in order not to run into nasty surprises at the end of the work, with significantly higher bills, I recommend that you always get a status of the extras!

Always keep track of everything so that you always know where you are going and have the option, possibly, to give up or modify some work!

Always be aware of everything, don’t get carried away by events!


When you ask for an estimate and start the work, you are also given an end work date…

As small as the renovation is, like you have to expect extras, keep in mind that there may be delays!

That can happen for a thousand reasons; it is part of the “game.”

If you “trust” the agreed-upon date and schedule the move and/or new furniture deliveries for that time, you are actually at risk of throwing money away.

That’s because, as just mentioned, delays are almost inevitable, and if you’ve arranged everything, you’ll have to block and organize it all over again!

Now if it goes well, it will just be a hassle time-wise with increased stress.

But if it goes wrong, you may have to pay a penalty for canceling or pay to keep the furniture in storage at the store!

Don’t be in a hurry!

I know you are looking forward to living in your new home, but haste is always the wrong counselor!

It will bring you a lot of stress, charge you more, and maybe you won’t get the result you want and deserve!

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

White or light gray kitchen and bathroom have been a trend for many years since they looked bright and clean!

The flip side, however, is that these environments can be a bit cold and impersonal!

If you have a white kitchen or bathroom that feels a little sterile but don’t want to or can make massive changes know that there are little tricks to warming up these rooms!

In this case, three tips will help you warm up and give personality, and I recommend you follow them all for a good result!


Adding natural elements is a quick and easy way to warm up rooms!


You can use wood by putting some shelves either in the kitchen or bathroom on which you can then put some decorative composition.

In the kitchen, you can bring wood with nice cutting boards, utensils, trays, and bowls!

In the bathroom, you can add it with a stool, or some accessories, maybe a ladder to put towels on!

Always for the bathroom, you could also think about bamboo or teak liquid soap dispensers!



Another natural element that helps with warmth is wicker, and you can use it with baskets, which are always helpful for storage and keeping everything tidy.

Also, depending on the style, you could use it as a chandelier shade or a plant pot cover!

In the kitchen, it could be placemats to put on the table!



Cork is another excellent element for warming up rooms!

It could be the underpots or jar caps you may have exposed!

You could also think about having a glass bowl or vase filled with corks: it would be decorative and would precisely warm up the environment a bit!

(credits: Kinto; Target)


Our grandmothers had many copper shapes hanging on the walls now, I’m not saying to do the same thing, especially with super modern kitchens, but a few copper items would surely help warm the room!

You can use them first as faucets or cabinet handles, or you could use them as plant pots or a couple of items on the countertop!



If copper could be hard to insert, surely it will be easier with terracotta!

There are beautiful decorative vases or even terracotta pans that can be left on display!

(credits:;Sara & Rich Combs)


I bet you were expecting it!

Well, yes, plants and flowers are a fabulous way to warm up a room, thus even a white kitchen and bathroom!

The call to nature beyond all will bring a bit of color and texture, creating some movement!

If space de allows, don’t be afraid, whether in the bathroom or kitchen, to put a large potted plant!

It will immediately make the environment more lively and cozy, as well as elegant!

If this is not possible, even small touches of nature will be enough!

In the kitchen, of course, you can think of small vases with tastes on the countertop or some pots with branches or leaves!

No need to have a jungle or expensive bouquets of fresh flowers; very little is needed!

What if you are a black thumb?

You can create some arrangements with fake flowers! Real is better, of course, but nowadays, as I’ve said other times, there are artificial flowers that look real!

Plus, if you mix them with live branches or put a little water inside in the case of a glass vase, you’ll be able to make them look even more realistic!

As always, one should not overdo it, but it could be a good compromise!

(credits:; GeorgiaRaeOwen)


White kitchen and bathroom can be seen as two blank canvases where to express one’s personality!

With white, ANY color looks good!

Warm colors will make the environment pleasant and more inviting, while blues and greens will add a touch of freshness and energy!

Of course, if you already have a color palette used in the rest of the house, bring that into the kitchen and bathroom!


The quickest and fastest way to add color to the bathroom will be by using colorful rugs and towels!

But you can also do it using colorful toothbrush holders and dispensers!

You could also have a small tray with a few items, like a perfume bottle, colored!

(credits: Archiv firmy; House & Home)


The fastest way to add color also for the kitchen is to use colorful textiles, such as rugs, towels, potholders, and the possible apron.

You could also put a pretty runner on the table with a lovely centerpiece!

On the countertop, if you have exposed appliances, you could get them colored or put a series of colored cups on a tray, for example!

Of course, in both cases, decorating the walls with pictures or photos will be another great way to bring a splash of color!

As always, you don’t have to overdo it: just a few well-distributed touches in the room can make a difference!


If well-designed, these decorations can be changed regularly (with each change of season, for example) to have an ever-changing kitchen and bathroom!

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

To furnish and decorate a hallway is not always easy because it is a transition area with no proper function!

In newly designed apartments, they try to limit spaces like these as much as possible, but it is very likely to find them in those designed a few decades ago!

How then to do with hallways?

Let’s see it together!


First of all, you have to consider the hallway as any other room in the house, and therefore, you will need to keep the style and color palette used for the rest of the house!

Another really very important aspect then will be the lighting since it will most likely be a windowless area.

The hallway, heights permitting, is the classic place where it is really ideal to do a ceiling lowering and integrate with spotlights!

This will allow you to have excellent illumination of the entire space.

In the case of a renovation, you could also think about creating light effects by making cuts in the wall!

(credits:; Barbara Fassoni Architects)

In addition to illuminating, doing this will help give character by creating unique and striking visual interest.

However, if it was not your intention to do such work and you had multiple light points, choose the same chandelier for the whole hallway; if you had (a quite usual situation) only one central light source, then the advice is to get spotlights to illuminate better!



How to furnish and decorate the hallway depends on two factors:

– the size; a narrow corridor will give fewer opportunities to be able to exploit it than a wider one;

– location; depending on where it is, it could serve as “support” for another environment!

For example, if the hallway were immediately adjacent to the front door, it could serve as an entrance, if there is not, or otherwise act as a reinforcement for it by putting a coat closet or shoe racks or benches there!


If, on the other hand, it was near the rooms or bathroom, one could think of closets for seasonal changes or to put bed linens and towels in!

Another example would be to put bookshelves, especially if it was near the living room!

In the hallway, you could also think about creating your own study corner; of course, if it’s not a location you use for many hours a day!



Once you have determined the function you want to give it, you can choose the furniture and accessories that best suit your needs.

A small caution, especially if the hallway was particularly narrow, not to take things that might obstruct the passage.

The minimum space to leave is 80cm!

Keep the lines as simple and clean as possible to maintain some visual order!

For huge elements such as cabinets, try to take them full height and the same color as the walls; this will camouflage these elements and avoid visually weighing down the space.

If you decide on a bookcase, you can take it full height and use the books as decoration.


In this case, I recommend arranging the books as neatly as possible and avoiding using other colors in the hallway to avoid, again, visual chaos that would shrink the room!

Or you could use a half-height bookcase that also doubles as a console table; and decorate the walls with a few paintings or some particular objects!

If space allows, and you’re in the process of renovating, you could also think about creating a plasterboard structure, perhaps with integrated lighting, to make everything even more scenic!

(credits:; Jim_Stephenson)


In the case of particularly small or narrow hallways where putting furniture perhaps becomes a bit stuffy, you could create a small emotional corner.

Little is needed, for example, a small seat with a plant and a lamp nearby.

You will make this area more pleasant.


If even this option is too much, then all that remains is to decorate the walls to make this environment less austere and more pleasant!

And here, again, with a minimum of criteria, you can really indulge!

You can merely use colors, perhaps strategically, to change the perception of space by visually enlarging the corridor.

If you want to know how to do it, I talked in detail about it here!


You can also think about coloring only half of the wall and then putting a gallery of paintings at the top.

You will create some movement.

(credits:; no5ishome)

Still, to enhance a possible gallery of paintings, you could paint the wall a dark color (obviously belonging to the palette you have throughout the house).

Thus you will create a contrast that will indeed emphasize your gallery of paintings.

Instead of a classic wall gallery, you could also think about putting huge paintings perhaps at the doors facing it.

These paintings will become an extra wall for those rooms that precisely face the hallway.

(credits:; Living Corriere-Filippo Bamberghi)

If you want to double the space, you can think of putting, instead of paintings, big mirrors!

The hallway will look bigger this way, however, you will have to be careful that the rooms are neat, otherwise, you will double the chaos too!

For a scenic effect, you can also think about using wallpaper.

You will create movement and rhythm without any obstruction!


The hallway could also be a great place to show a particular collection, such as records or hats; create something original that shows who you are!

(credits:; Livivng Corriere-Dean Kaufman)

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

The blind bathroom, i.e., without windows, is provided for by Italian regulations if it is a second bathroom or the only bathroom if the house is small with only one bedroom.

Today I would like to share with you some tips on making this type of bathroom beautiful and functional.


The first and most important thing to think about for a blind bathroom is to provide proper aeration.

That is required by regulations to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and viruses, unplesant odors, and mold in the air, which would make the environment unhealthy.

There are multiple types of aeration:

– through aerators;

– forced mechanical ventilation.

The aerators can be of different types; usually, it is activated by turning on the light.

They have a suction unit, with a fan, inside the bathroom and an evacuation duct with a backstop damper so that not only the air does not go back, but no insects can enter.

In new-generation houses, forced mechanical ventilation is used, which has much the same function, but also has vents for fresh air to enter from outside: this helps to create less condensation.

Especially in the case of normal aerators, you could also use dehumidifiers and even specific paints to prevent mold growth due to moisture.

If you decide on a suspended ceiling, remember to use drywall specifically for wet environments, i.e., the green one!




Once you have thought about aeration, you will need to think about proper lighting!

In this case, more than ever, it is paramount to have multiple sources of lighting which you can manage as needed.

If you can do a suspended ceiling, you will obviously have more leeway, perhaps putting in recessed spotlights!

You will also need point lighting at the mirror anyway; perhaps think about the possibility of getting illuminated mirrors!

You can think about light cuts on the walls to give that extra touch or create niches with integrated lighting.

(credits: behance;

Also very scenic is the lighted shower: color therapy has been catching on a lot in recent years and is a way to bring light and movement.

Finally, if you have the vanity unit raised, you can think of adding the light under it to give it some depth as well!



Usually, the blind bathroom is also tiny, so it will be vital to take measurements correctly to place the various fixtures and fittings properly!

Therefore, the ideas about small bathrooms I shared apply; find the video here.

Being dark, I suggest using reflective surfaces, if not in the actual furniture, at least in the handles: this is to help increase the light, even if it is artificial.

Try to use furniture with simple, light shapes to avoid weighing down the room, and if by chance you also have a washing machine, try to enclose it in a cabinet, again, to maintain visual simplicity.

For the same reason, a shower stall or bathtub should have no framing, or at least it should be minimal and thin.

(credits: Sonia Meneghin;


In a blind bathroom, light colors would be preferred to give breath due to the fact that they will reflect artificial light better.

But, as we have seen for small bathrooms, indeed, dark colors will help give depth!

The decisive thing actually will be to avoid strong contrasts as much as possible!



It will be paramount, in a blind bathroom, to use durable and water-repellent materials such as ceramic and porcelain tiles.

In order not to weigh down, again, as also suggested for small bathrooms, it is good to use large pieces to limit the sight of joints that create visual clutter!



The blind bathroom, due to the lack of light, could be a bit sad: make it scenographic!

One of the easiest and most practical ways is definitely to play with light!

We’ve seen it before: LED strips on the walls, under the vanity unit, in the niches, and even in the shower!

Of course, if you don’t have the possibility to false ceiling and put spotlights, you can choose an original chandelier in the center of the vault; the same goes for the light at the mirror.

But you might also decide to use a nice wallpaper, perhaps in the shower; there are suitable papers for this environment as well!

That especially is true if the shower is right in front of the door and is the first thing you see!

That could be, always paying attention to strong contrasts, a great way to make this bathroom particular and pleasant, despite not having a window!

(credits:Inkiostro Bianco; london-art-naiadi-wallpaper)

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

And if you need advice for your home, do not hesitate to contact me!

Today I want to share with you some home decorating tricks you can use right away that will help you furnish and decorate your home to the fullest!

I have already mentioned some of these tricks in other articles, but it never hurts to repeat them!



Masking tape is mainly used for painting walls because it is easily removable without leaving residue and without taking away the plaster.

This tape, however, can be really super useful for other purposes!

One really super helpful use is to draw with it the footprint of furniture and rugs on the floor so you can see that the proportions are correct.

Just because a two-meter sofa theoretically fits, for example, does not mean that it is proportionate to the rest or functional to be able to move around!

As I often say, there is nothing like seeing for yourself to understand.

Of course, there are 3d modeling programs, even free ones, that can help with this, but it can become time-consuming if you are not familiar with them.

Drawing instead with tape is quick and immediate!

So draw the elements you would like on the floor and move around the room to see that everything is functional and proportionate!

(credits: Vivere lo Stile;


This trick can also be used on walls to see if paneling or wall lamps would fit.

You can also use it to create your own composition: whether it is just paintings or pictures with mirrors and other objects! (For this, there is also another trick!)

You only have to draw the outline of the frames or objects on the wall with the tape; you will see immediately if you really like the result!

Moreover, the tape is also very valid for hanging those pictures or mirrors with 2 hooks!!!

All you need to do is put the tape behind the picture or mirror at the height of the hooks and mark where they are placed on it.

Then you will place the tape on the wall at the desired height, of course taking care to put it on a level, et voila, the game is done!

That avoids measuring the distance between the two hooks, which is often impractical!!!



Whether you need to hang a painting or a composition of them, perhaps even with other objects, it is paramount to consider proportions and heights well.

To do this and avoid unnecessarily poking holes in the wall, you can use the trick from before, which is masking tape, or get help from paper and cardboard!

I personally prefer this method because the paper will contrast from the wall across the entire painting surface, giving an even clearer idea, in my opinion!

Not only that, if you don’t like the position, it will be easier to move the paper than to re-frame it with tape!

The trick is quite simple: draw the outline of the picture (or mirror or any object) on the paper and cut it out!

I recommend, also, marking the location of the hook(s) as well and maybe writing the description of the picture!

Then place the cutout on the wall by securing it with paper or masking tape.

With this simple gimmick, you can move and rearrange the sheets of paper until you are sure you have found the correct position!

Having marked the position of the hooks will be a snap then, hammer in the nail or drill holes to put in the dowels!

By doing this, you will drill holes in the right place on the first time, and the wall will thank you!

(If you are interested here I’m going into details about how to hang paintings)



If you have vases with a large opening, putting flowers, whether real or fake, is really tricky because they will rest on the edges of the vase, leaving a gap in between.

Here again, the trick is there, and it is indeed simple but effective: again, use tape, possibly the transparent kind!

All you need to do is create a kind of grid on the vase opening with tape and then arrange the flowers inside this grid!

The result is guaranteed!!!

If the vase is quite large and not glass, another way might be to put a smaller vase in it!



Books are really a beautiful way to decorate the home: on the coffee table, shelves, or console table, they give that quid to our compositions!

The problem with books, however, is often the color of the covers that doesn’t match the color palette you’ve chosen at all!

When this is the case and, understandably, you don’t want to buy books specifically just for decoration, you can decide to line them!

All you need to do is buy some paper or fabric that matches the color palette you have chosen for your home and line your favorite books!

Then, to recognize them, you can write the title by hand if you have nice handwriting, print a label or use stamps!

By doing this, you can put your favorite books in your compositions!

It might also be an idea to have a cover for each season or at least 2: one for fall-winter and one for summer-spring!



I guess you have a cutlery tray in your kitchen drawer, and every time you open it, it moves around, ending up in the bottom!

How annoying is it?

Maybe you also have objects on display that you care about, but there is a risk of bumping into them or you have children or animals and you are afraid they might fall…

What to do in these cases?

Simply by doing as in museums: blocking these objects with wax or double-sided tape!

Specifically, as waxes, there is “museum wax”, and as double-sided tape, there is “PfX Nano” (you can find them on Amazon).

You only need to put a small amount of wax or a small piece of tape to lock the objects where you want them.

However, both wax and double-sided tape are easily removed without leaving any residue!

(credits: Amazon)


How often have you found yourself wanting to put a lamp, whether floor or table one, in one place and then not having an outlet nearby?

When this is the case, either you use unsightly, as much as dangerous extension cables, or you end up giving up putting the lamp there!

Well, here, too, there is finally a solution: rechargeable bulbs!!!

Thanks to these bulbs, you can add a few light points, perhaps even on the wall, to give that extra quid without having to break anywhere or redo the wiring!

By the way, thanks to the remote control, you can also decide the brightness by adjusting it as needed!

You can find them on Amazon!



It’s time to whiten the walls of your home: if you have them white, no problem, but if you have them colored and want to keep the color, you need to remember the codes!

Easily you no longer have them!

It is normal; it has happened to everyone!

To find the right color, if you do not want to buy special tools, you will need to scrape a little plaster, perhaps under a socket or behind a piece of furniture.

The paint store has the tools to recognize color.

Once you find it, however, to avoid going crazy next time and having to ruin the wall each time and then retouch it, I reveal an effective trick!

Take the plate off one of the sockets and write the color code for that wall behind it with a permanent marker!

By doing this, especially if you have multiple colors, you won’t have to go crazy to remember the codes or where you put the paper where you marked them all!!!

(credits: lonefoxhome)

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy: just contact me!

Decorating home differently for each season is a way to give new life to our homes while giving them new energy too!

You don’t need big things because then we know we have to retire them at the following season change: just small touches that can make a difference, though!

Spring is approaching, so here are some tips for decorating your home for this beautiful period!

One of the first things to do is to take advantage of the famous spring cleaning, not only to do deep cleaning but also to get rid of anything that is no longer needed.

Good decluttering will help give rooms a fresher, lighter feel!


Spring kicks off the beautiful season, longer days, and the awakening of nature!

Plants, flowers, pastel and light colors, and fresh aromas are among the most typical elements to use in decorating your home and bringing a little spring into the home.

It is a proper time to take care of your plants, change the pots of those that need it, remove any yellowed leaves, and clean and polish them!

For flowers, I understand that it is not always feasible to have fresh ones everywhere, and I know I always say it is better to avoid fake plants and flowers, but let’s be objective: sometimes, it remains the best solution.

Always without exaggeration, of course, but nowadays, there are fake flowers that look real!

Then 2 tricks can help and not make people perceive that they are using artificial flowers:

– if using in a glass jar, put some water inside;

– add some authentic branches.

Berry branches, rather than that of eucalyptus or butcher’s broom, last for weeks and will give that touch of authenticity to the artificial flower arrangement!

In addition, pots can be created with small arrangements of moss.

Let’s now see, room by room, how to bring in a little spring!




After taking care of the plants that are there, a quick and effective way to decorate is to change the covers of the pillows you have on the sofa.

Use colors in cheerful spring hues with some floral patterns, and use cotton, linen, and silk fabrics!

If you like to have the blanket on the couch, you can have it just as long as it is not wool but cotton and in spring colors, even vivid if you like to give some movement.

Change the decorations on the coffee table, putting a lovely vase of flowers and colorful and scented candles.

If you have dark-colored covers books on your coffee table, you might consider replacing them with books with lighter-colored covers.

If you have frames with prints, as I had suggested for fall decorations, you can think about changing them by putting ones with typically spring themes and colors.

These are all things that are not bulky yet change the face of an environment.

Wicker baskets are always “the welcome ones” and a great way to decorate and pick up anything that doesn’t need to be on view!

If you have double curtains, it’s a good idea, unless it’s neutral, to also change the non-filtering one to more spring colors.

A lovely centerpiece with a nice glass vase and flowers will be ideal for the dining table too!

(credits: ©EmeryBastable;


The best way to bring spring into the kitchen is to have jars with aromatic herbs and maybe lavender!

The scents these give off immediately bring you back to this fresh season!

You can also accompany these with lemons to give them some color and fragrance!

If you have pretty colored mugs, you can take them out and place them on a tray on the countertop.

You can hang some garland, maybe DIY, on the walls: you can find many tutorials on the internet!

And, of course, change textiles, such as gloves, potholders, and aprons, but also any cushions on chairs and rugs!



Here too, as you can imagine, the easiest and most effective way is to change textiles!

You can decide on a bedspread in cheerful colors, perhaps with floral patterns (always being careful not to overdo it).

Or you can keep a more neutral bedspread and add the splash of color with pillows and a blanket at the foot of the bed!

Similar to the living room, you might think about changing the non-filtering ones if you have double curtains.

On the dresser, a beautiful arrangement with flowers in a lovely glass vase and a few colorful, scented candles.

You can as well put small flower arrangements on the nightstands or place a faux tulip on it.

Again, if you have paintings with prints, replace them with more spring-like images.

(credits: @abbie_melle;


However small your balcony may be, take advantage of the outdoor spaces as well and start fixing them up!

There can be no shortage of plants there, possibly with flowers to give some color too, but also think about a small seat or just some cushions on the ground!

Make the interior and exterior connected to enlarge and give more breathing space!

If you want more ideas on how to decorate a balcony, I talk about it here (7 ways to make a balcony pleasant and functional) and here (How to decorate your balcony, even if it is small and narrow!)!


I hope this article about decorating your home in spring was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

And if you need advice for your home, do not hesitate to contact me!

Today I would like to resume the design elements rubric by telling the story of extraordinary objects that have become everyday and sometimes taken a bit for granted!

These are objects that we know very well, some so simple that we feel like they have always existed, yet they are born of someone’s genius!

Here I told the story of 5 everyday objects: today, I offer you 6 more!


Is there anything simpler and more useful than the clothespin?

Two pieces of wood (complemented by plastic over the years) united by a steel spring!

The wooden clothespin we use today was invented by D.M. Smith of Springfield, Vermont, in 1853.

In 1944 Mario Maccaferri replaced wood with plastic to make the clothespin even more durable.

It then became a design classic in 1976 when artist Claes Oldenburg made a work of art named Clothespin: a giant clothespin 13.7 meters high!

This work is installed in Center Square Plaza in Philadelphia.

A curiosity: credit for this invention has often been given to the Shakers, a religious sect founded by Ann Lee in the US in 1772.

That is because they were the authors of many pieces of furniture that was an expression of their faith: utmost simplicity, essential details, and no decoration! The clothespin actually embodies all of this!


These pressure-top jars originated about 1825 by an unknown designer, mainly for storing food; today, they are also decorative items!

Filled not necessarily with food, they are, in fact, perfect to put in compositions to put on the countertops of our kitchens!

They are made of molded glass and have the ultimate sealing ability, with the characteristic orange rubber and iron hook!

A vacuum is created when the jar is heated inside, making the seal airtight!

They exist in various sizes from 50ml to 3 liters and have a large opening (7 to 10 cm) to make filling easier!

Despite numerous imitations, this jar is still present in our homes because it is functional and has a simple and inexpensive locking system.

It is now closely associated with high-quality handcrafted products!


The straw is one of those items we pay little attention to, taking it almost for granted… only to appreciate it when it’s missing!

Over the years, the straw has really evolved a lot.

The origin of the straw is attributed to Marvin Stone, a manufacturer of paper filter cigarettes, in 1888.

Actually, straws already existed then that were made of ryegrass, a herbaceous plant.

Stone, however, fed up with straws breaking and especially leaving an unpleasant aroma, decided to produce his own straw.

At first, he wrapped some strips of the paper he used for filters to a pencil and, gluing them together, created the first paper straw.

The product was later improved by the introduction of paraffined paper that prevented the straw from impregnating, and this was the first straw patented in 1888 precisely.

Over the years, the straw has since become plastic, only to return now to paper due to pollution.

One of the significant improvements of this object was the addition of the flexible band introduced by Joseph B. Friedman in 1937.

This small addition has helped both young children, not yet accustomed to the glass, and bedridden convalescents.

Fun fact: the first batch of flexible straws was actually sold to a hospital in 1947.


The Swiss Army knife was created as a practical item for soldiers in 1891 by Karl Elsener.

Elsener then founded the Swiss Master Knifemakers Association to facilitate the production process.

The knife, however, was not as successful as hoped, and the association disbanded.

Elsener did not give up and tried to fix the problems that had not gotten it off the ground: that is, heaviness and limited functionality.

He succeeded in 1897 when he registered the new knife: the one we all know.

New functionality and good looks were well received by all, not just soldiers.

Elsener named his company after his mother’s name Victoria, then in 1921, he added the international name of stainless steel to the brand name, and it became Victorinox!

The use of the Swiss cross indicates an instrument of superior quality.

To meet every need, today, there are many variations of the original pocket knife on the market: it comes in a range of as many as 100 models!


Who has not done, in his life, at least one puzzle with more or fewer pieces?

Well, this fascinating and timeless game that appeals to all generations originated in 1766 for educational purposes!

The idea originated with John Spilsbury, an engraver and map maker in London, who one day decided to glue one of his maps onto a wooden board and cut out individual countries at their borders.

It was called Dissected Mapp and was used, for a long time, to teach geography in school.

Only in the twentieth century was it considered to create something for adults as well; they were extremely costly to produce, so they were sold in small quantities and only to wealthy customers.

These, however, used them as a means of entertainment at their parties, sparking and spreading a collective passion.

The pieces then became interlocking, and in 1908 the name puzzle was coined for this game, referring precisely to this new form.

In 1929, at the beginning of the Depression, puzzles became a national pastime loved by everyone regardless of social background.

That is for two reasons;

  • because it reproduces images that allow them, at least with the imagination, to escape from the dark moment they were experiencing;
  • the change of material from wood to cardboard, which makes the game much more affordable!

In 1932 they also arrived in the rest of the world, becoming the most beloved form of entertainment for young and old alike.

By 1990, puzzles had become so profitable that the Parker Brothers game company decided to focus its production on this game alone.

Over the years, 3d puzzles have also been born!


Invented by Linus Yale Jr in 1861.

The son of a blacksmith, he invented a lock that was a device that matched keys composed of several parts that gave the possibility of using an infinite number of combinations that were difficult to copy.

Inside, it does not have any elements that could move, such as springs.

He also invented a mechanism called a “pin tumbler” or radial pawl: a mechanism that is not visible from the outside and, therefore, cannot be forced.

The lock came to be called “the infallible magic Yale lock.”

On the other hand, the second lock, is called “the infallible secure Yale lock” and is nothing more than an improved version of the first one.

Yale shows such confidence in its product that it promised $3,000 to those who succeeded in forcing it!

Shortly, these locks became so famous for their reliability, thanks in part to Yale’s entrepreneurial skills, that in 1856 they were also used for the U.S. Mint.

Yale thus becomes synonymous with lock!

In 1860 Yale also invented the first Monitor Bank lock, the first combination lock.


Finally, in 1861 he reworked the pin tumbler mechanism and his own in cylinder locks.

He founded his company with Harry Towne in 1868 and died shortly later; his name, however, has been passed down as the most significant lock manufacturer.

In 1879 lock production was joined by padlock production.

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!

Bringing some nature into the home becomes really important because it has a scientifically proven beneficial impact on our being: it brings a good mood and improves the quality of life by reducing stress!

Actually, it’s vital not only in homes but in architecture in general.

Have you ever heard of Biophilic design?

It is a particular way of designing homes, offices, in short, the various places where we live and work so that they are as connected to nature as possible.

The term Biophilic was introduced in 1964 by German psychoanalyst Erich Seligmann Fromm (1900-1980) and literally translated means love for all that is alive!

We also have an example of this way of designing here in Italy: the Vertical Forest in Milan, designed by Stefano Boeri.

However, since not all houses are yet designed and built with this philosophy, we need to start from the bottom, bringing nature into our homes ourselves!

Of course one of the first things to do is to use environmentally sustainable materials as much as possible, but this is only the basis!

Some elements help this reconnection to nature…

Let’s see what they are!


Light is the primary and fundamental element for one’s well-being.

Many studies show that in Nordic countries where people are in the dark for many months, there is an increase in cases of depression!

That is why you need to let as much natural light into your home (and office) as possible!

There are ways to “light up” those darker rooms when this is not at hand: I’ve talked about it here!

If you work from home, it will be relevant to place the workstation as close to the window as possible to take maximum advantage of natural light.

You may not know it, but in addition to feeling good, you will increase your productivity and creativity!

(credits: Rachel Parcell;


It is pretty evident how essential fresh air really is, think about how good you feel when you can breathe well when you are in the countryside, mountains, seaside or even just in the middle of the park!

In the average and small town, opening the windows will not only bring in some fresh air but will also allow you to hear sometimes the birds chirping!

Of course, in larger cities where the smog is so much, this is more complicated, but you can try to do it in the early morning hours when there is less traffic and maybe even get help from air purifiers.

(credits: evanto)


Colors also have their importance, and to feel closer to nature, creating palettes with nature’s own colors will be paramount!

The shades of greens, browns, beiges, blues and light blues, earthy reds and straw yellows…

All colors you see when precisely you are immersed in your favorite habitat!

One of the best ways to create a home color palette that you’re unlikely to tire of is to take colors from an image of your favorite landscape!

Does that sound like a strange idea?

Actually, if you try typing in the search engine or even in Pinterest, “color palettes”, you will see that many palettes are really taken from images!

There are many programs online that can extract colors from a photo by giving you codes that will allow you, again with online programs, to reach the color of your favorite brand!

(credits:; Little Greene)


That is the fastest and easy way to bring nature into the home!

There is no room in the house where you cannot have plants, not even the bedroom, as Simona Borgia explained here!

Plants bring some life into the home, and many also have purifying properties!

They also bring in some moisture, which is very helpful, especially in winter when the air tends to dry out because of the heaters!

It is a great way to bring green into the home, a color that helps promotes calm and tranquility.

That is even for those who might not like green as a color!!!

Plants also bring rhythm and movement due to their shapes, and this brings some vitality to the environments!

Then giving necessary attention and care to the plants is another very relaxing factor indeed!

If, by chance, you are not exactly a green thumb, know that there are plants that are really easy to maintain!

(credits: Eric Kuster;


Also using natural elements such as furniture, textiles, and decorations as much as possible is another way to reconnect with nature.

Wood, marble, linen, rattan, and wicker are elements that will make a big difference in feeling connected to nature!

Wood, in addition to furniture, can be used in decorations: think of beautiful trays on which you can then create beautiful compositions!

A “slice” of the tree trunk might even be enough!

Adding beautiful wicker baskets will bring warmth and texture and precisely make you feel closer to nature!

Again, if the style allows, a rattan armchair could be that element that gives that extra touch to the room!

Don’t underestimate the beauty and properties of stones, too!

Stones are beautiful because of their uniqueness in shape, color, and texture; thus, they can be a valuable decorative element: think, for example, of a beautiful bowl with an array of stones that are all different.

I told you about stones because they also seem to have the ability to make us feel more grounded and more aligned with nature!



I’ve said it before, a home should be experienced with all the senses, and if we want to feel more connected to nature, we can’t help but try to recreate scents and sounds as well!

Bringing fragrances of nature into the home, such as might be a forest scent, helps lower stress!

In addition, sounds, such as the flow of water, also promote reconnecting with nature!

There are drinking fountains that can also be decorative.

If not, there are also many tracks that pick up the chirping of birds or the waves of the sea, for example, and it might be an idea to have them in the background!

(credits: ArtDigest;

I hope this article was helpful and you love it; in case, let me know in the comments!

Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested, I will be honored, and it will help me get my name out there.

If you feel that your home, or some environment of it, does not reflect you enough, do not wait any longer and book your consultancy!